Mark Hamill Teases The “Many Untold Stories” For Luke Before Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Star Wars franchise might be moving away from the main Star Wars saga to focus on new characters like Daisy Ridley's Rey and John Boyega's Finn, but that doesn't mean that fans are going to stop wanting to learn more about legacy characters like Luke Skywalker.

Though it doesn't seem like we're going to get another Luke Skywalker-centric film anytime soon, Star Wars legend Mark Hamill teases that there are still a lot of exciting stories that can be explored between Star Wars: Episode VI – The Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.

Responding to a fan on Twitter asking whether Luke ever found love in his lifetime, Hamill teased the possibility of Luke finding romance between Episode 6 and Episode 7 because there are actually "many untold stories there."

Of course, Star Wars fans who've followed Legends know that there are a lot of stories where Luke marries a reformed Galactic Empire supporter named Mara Jade and then bearing a child together named Ben Skywalker.

However, as interesting as the arc sounds, the stories built around Star Wars Legends were all scrapped when Disney bought Lucasfilm and streamline Star Wars canon, meaning that Luke could have a totally different story in between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Hopefully, Lucasfilm will decide to explore this gap between films by releasing books, comic books and video games that would add to the lore.

Star Wars: Episode IX hits cinemas December 20, 2019.

Read: Star Wars Legend Mark Hamill Admits He Once Gave Really Bad Advice To Arnold Schwarzenegger