Mark Hamill Talks His Favorite Scene from Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Celebration is almost here, and some artists have been posting up their official art for the event. Artist Karen Hallion had posted up her illustration of Luke and Leia reuniting in The Last Jedi¸ and Mark Hamill himself had revealed that this was actually his favorite moment in the film.

This was the poster:

And Hamill replied with "Thanks @Khallion for this beautiful interpretation of my favorite moment in the film!"

What's interesting is, Hamill had revealed last year that the kiss between the two was actually improvised, and it was just something that felt natural when they shot the sequence. Talking to Entertainment Tonight, Hamill had said, "I didn't decide it and say, ‘Can I do this?' I mean, in the take — I don't know if we rehearsed it or not, but it just happened… I was standing up and they weren't ready for it. They said, ‘No, do that again.' And we did it for a second take, and like I said, it was just spontaneous."

Hamill is set to appear as Luke Skywalker again in Star Wars Episode IX, but it's not likely that he'll be sharing any more scenes with Carrie Fisher. The movie is said to be using extra footage of Fisher from both The Force Awakens and TLJ, but we don't know in what context they'll be used. Will they be in flashbacks? Will they be used for completely different scenes?

We don't have a preview for Episode IX yet, but everyone is hoping that Lucasfilm drops something this April during Celebration.

Catch Star Wars Episode IX in theaters Dec. 20.

See Also: Star Wars: Episode IX Reportedly Includes Force Training Scene Between Young Luke And Leia