Mark Hamill Shares Hilarious Details About His Other Star Wars Character Dobbu Scay

One of the most memorable moments in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is undoubtedly the scene where BB-8 gets mistaken for a slot machine and is fed gold coins by an intoxicated guest on Canto Bight. It's a hilarious scene but only a few realize that the guest known as Dobbu Scay was actually voiced by Mark Hamill. Interestingly, the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker actor claims he did more than just voice work for the character.

Hamill recently responded to a fan tweet asking if he had to wear a motion capture suit to play Dobbu Scay. Take a look at his answer below.

"It is commonly (& mistakenly) reported that I only did the voice of Dobbu Scay, but I filmed the scene in a full motion-capture suit w/ a giant-sized medicine ball to make me the same size as BB-8. I didn't expect to be credited, assuming it would be another unbilled easter-egg," Hamill wrote.

Now that's a lot of work on a character that only appears for a few seconds in The Last Jedi. Seriously speaking, Hamill only needed to provide the voice for Dobbu Scay.

While it's unlikely that Dobbu Scay will return anytime soon, people can still expect Hamill to play his OTHER Star Wars character Luke Skywalker this December. Although fans are hoping that Luke will be brought back alive and well in Episode IX, Hamill stated that he will only appear as a Force ghost in the film.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

Related: Mark Hamill Addresses Star Wars Easter Eggs In The Dark Crystal And Child's Play