Mark Hamill Reveals What He Knows About Star Wars Episode IX

We all want to learn more about Star Wars: Episode IX. Some fans have even gone as far as asking the actors working on the highly anticipated sequel for possible spoilers. So it's no surprise when people find the most unexpected information from the unlikeliest places.

One fan decided to ask Mark Hamill about Episode IX. However, the Twitter user somehow asked the Star Wars actor if he knew "ANYTHING" about the sequel. Not surprisingly, Hamill's response was spot on. Check out the tweet below.

There is little doubt that Hamill knows a LOT about Episode IX but we're not quite sure if he actually knows EVERYTHING about the movie. Nevertheless, it doesn't look like the Star Wars: The Last Jedi actor will be sharing too many details anytime in the future.

Hamill is set to return as Luke Skywalker in Episode IX. This is certainly a surprise (to be sure, but a welcome one) for fans who saw Hamill's character die in The Last Jedi. Although it is still possible that Luke will appear as a Force ghost in the sequel, there have been speculations that he will be alive and well in the scenes being filmed for the movie.

Episode IX is also set to be the final film that features the Skywalker storyline. Although there is a possibility that this could be Hamill's last Star Wars film, some fans are still hoping that Luke will continue to make appearances in more movies.

Star Wars: Episode IX is scheduled for release on December 20.

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