Mark Hamill Hilariously Claims He Didn't Need CGI for Iconic The Last Jedi Scene

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

It's been nearly four years since the Star Wars sequel trilogy concluded but it remains one of the most debated things about the beloved franchise. I think we can all agree that the entry that sparked the most controversy is 2017's The Last Jedi which undoubtedly alienated longtime fans.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

Despite the polarizing reception the Rian Johnson-directed Episode VIII ended up getting, to its credit, it still had its moments and we'd even dare say that Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker was the MVP of it all. Speaking of the Jedi Master, Hamill is looking back on one important scene from the 2017 flick that even the biggest critics of the sequel trilogy found amazing.

On Twitter, the Star Wars icon hilariously agreed to a post claiming his pivotal sequence didn't require the use of CGI. The post from user @aperitivore refers to the scene where Luke's Force projection fends off Kylo Ren's onslaught on the planet Crait. The climactic scene was a complete visual spectacle and has now reached iconic status. Check it out here:

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The Last Jedi may not have been everyone's cup of tea but it still generated a strong following over the years with some claiming it's the best film of the sequel trilogy. While that one is certainly up for debate, I think it's safe to say that Lucasfilm also liked how it turned out, so much so that the production company is handing the reins to Johnson to direct his own Star Wars trilogy. Now, whether or not he uses the same formula for his next venture in a galaxy far, far away remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, all of your Star Wars favorites — from movies to series are available to stream exclusively on Disney+.