Mark Hamill Awesomely Shuts Down Claims That Star Wars 'Is For Boys'

There is little doubt that Star Wars is something that anyone and everyone can truly enjoy. However, one tiny fan was told that "Star Wars is for boys." Not surprisingly, Mark Hamill isn't happy about that belief and made sure to shut down anyone who believes that girls can't love Star Wars as well.

One fan decided to tweet about her daughter's experience after purchasing a pair of Darth Vader shoes. "My 5-year-old daughter picked these shoes, and a boy at school said Star Wars is for boys. She said Star Wars is for girls too," the netizen said before posing a question for Hamill. "What do you think?" they asked, tagging the actor in the tweet.

It didn't take long before Hamill himself responded to the post. Check out his answer below.

"Sometimes boys can be such stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerfherders!" Hamill wrote before adding the hashtag #StarWarsIsForEveryone. He then proceeded to share awesome photos of young girls having fun with the beloved franchise.

Of course, some boys can start out being a lot like Han Solo in the first Star Wars film. However, they can also grow to become more like Han in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Needless to say, Star Wars certainly is for everyone.

Hamill will return as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode IX, which has yet to be given an official title. When fans were disappointed that the title was not revealed during Super Bowl 2019, the actor teased that it was actually revealed by a Futurama episode a long time ago.

Star Wars: Episode IX is scheduled for release on December 20.

Related: Mark Hamill 'Reveals' Star Wars Episode IX Title After Super Bowl 2019 Disappointment