MAPPA CEO Says Yuri on Ice Earnings ‘Insignificant’

MAPPA Yuri on Ice Yuri Katsuki

MAPPA Yuri on Ice Yuri Katsuki

Yuri on Ice fans’ hopes have been dashed recently regarding the previously announced movie. This is because MAPPA CEO Manabu Otsuka revealed that Yuri on Ice had insignificant earnings for the studio, despite its success.

Otsuka was interviewed recently by the Japanese magazine, Kompass.

There, he made a comment about Yuri on Ice that became a huge topic among the anime’s fanbase.

Although most of the interview focused on other topics, the mention of the studio’s popular ice-skating anime arguably drove the most discussion online among international anime fans.

MAPPA CEO Manabu Otsuka Says Yuri on Ice Earnings Are ‘Insignificant’ for the Studio

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In the interview, Otsuka talked about MAPPA’s approach to anime production moving forward.

Specifically, he talked about fully producing shows such as Chainsaw Man and Campfire Cooking in Another World.

Otsuka said that this is important given their previous experience with Yuri on Ice.

Despite the show being a huge hit that earned a lot for its production committee, MAPPA got an insignificant amount of money from it.

After the interview was released, fans of the series took to Twitter to express how they find it hard to believe that MAPPA did not earn much from the show.

However, some argue that Otsuka is telling the truth as MAPPA is billed low on the Yuri on Ice production committee.

If this is the case, this is a possible reason the previously announced movie has still not gotten new updates.

Back in 2017, YURI!!! on ICE the movie : ICE ADOLESCENCE was announced. And while there have been some updates, the last one was a teaser trailer which was released in 2020.

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Fans Are Not Happy With MAPPA’s Lack of Interest in Yuri on Ice

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As it has been so long since the last update, fans are fearing that Otsuka’s statement in the interview is the final nail in the coffin for Ice Adolescence.

This has led many fans to express their disappointment online, especially as many claim that Yuri on Ice was a big factor in making MAPPA a renowned studio given how successful and praised it was.

While it’s clear that Yuri on Ice continues to have a devoted fanbase, it seems that MAPPA is not focused on it given that Otsuka mentioned the TV anime’s lackluster earnings for the studio.

This isn’t the only time that an interview with MAPPA’s CEO drove a lot of discussion.

A few months ago, there were also a lot of debates about Chainsaw Man’s lackluster Blu-ray sales, driving cancelation fears.

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Source: Kompass