Man Charged For Stealing $10-$15,000 Worth of Magic: The Gathering Cards From Gaming Shop

Wizards of the Coast

A man from Minnesota is charged with a felony after being accused of stealing up to $15,000 worth of items from a gaming store.

According to the criminal complaint reported by News 18, an owner walked into D20 Gaming in Eau Claire the morning of November 9, 2015, and there, he found that much of the shop's most valuable Magic: The Gathering cards were missing. However, the computers, money in the cash register were still there.

The shop's glass door was broken but had been duct-taped by the time the cops arrived there. Since it wasn't the owners who did it, they said that it had to be the thief who broke the door and repaired it with the duct-tape.

In June 2016, a witness told the authorities that Tyler Gehrmann of St. Cloud, Minnesota was the suspect. Gehrmann had pleaded guilty to burglarizing Truckers Union one month before, and his DNA was collected in that case. Later, they discovered that the DNA from the game shop's front door burglary matched him. '

Gehrmann was charged with felony burglary and his first court appearance is on January 9, 2019.

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