Magic: The Gathering's Ultimate Masters Booster Box Art Details Revealed, Unbanning is Coming?

Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast recently announced Ultimate Masters, the last masters set "in a while" that will be released next month, and they revealed the stunning artwork for the set's booster box as well as the awesome "boxtoppers" that feature full artwork . Check it out:

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Fans have been wondering what card the artwork is for but it didn't take long for them to figure it out. As Redditor Toorshul pointed out, the artwork featured on Ultimate Masters' booster box is actually Dig Through Time. Check out the comparison image below:

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Both artworks have the same dragon form and the way the characters' hands are positioned are about the same.

Considering that this card is only legal in Vintage and Commander, it seems like a strange choice to make as the box art, and with the next ban & restriction update on November 6, could we expect an unbanning for Modern and/or Legacy? Earlier this year, Jace, the Mind Sculptor was unbanned before the release of Masters 25, which also featured the artwork for the iconic Planeswalker card on its booster box.

What do you think? Would you like to see Dig Through Time unbanned in Modern and Legacy or do you think it's too powerful to unban? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Ultimate Masters is set to release on December 7. MSRP price is $335.76 per box (only available in local game stores) and $34.99 per 3-pack blisterpack. It will only be available in English and Japanese.

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