PAX West 2018 will take place on August 31 through September 3 in Seattle, WA, and Magic: The Gathering will once again return in the event this year.
Today, Wizards of the Coast has announced the main ways fans can interact with Magic over the exciting weekend.
On Saturday, September 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sasquatch Theater at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, there will be product previews, worldbuilding highlights, and some card previews, so expect to see some early Guilds of Ravnica spoilers at PAX West since the new set will be released on October 5. The panel will be hosted by Josh Lee Kwai.
There will also be a learn-to-play booth on the Skybridge all weekend, so if you have a friend who wants to learn how to play, this is a great opportunity for them to discover the greatest game in the world. Cosplayer TappyToeClaws will be there, dressed as several characters, including one from Guilds of Ravnica.
Fans will also have a chance to play at events with Mox Boarding House on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. They will have special guests and a different play experience each night but space will be limited.
Are you going to PAX West? Epicstream will keep you updated once we find out what they'll reveal at the event.
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