War of the Spark: Forsaken, the sequel to Greg Weisman's Magic: The Gathering novel War of the Spark: Ravnica, is set to release next month, and today, Wizards of the Coast has revealed new plot details following the defeat of Nicol Bolas, so if you want to know what the Gatewatch and other planeswalkers are up to after the epic war at Ravnica, you may want to check out what Wizards shared today. The novel also teases more revelations about Teyo Verada, the Wanderer, and a mysterious character named Rat. Check out the book's cover and the new story descriptions below:
The war is over and Nicol Bolas has been defeated, but the story goes on. In War of the Spark: Forsaken, the next thrilling Magic: The Gathering adventure, uncertainty reigns. In the new novel written by Greg Weisman, learn more about what comes next for the heroes of the Multiverse.
Ravnica's Guilds Seek Vengeance – Nicol Bolas may be gone, but as the guilds of Ravnica look to rebuild their great city, someone must pay. The list is simple, three names long: Dovin Baan, Tezzeret, and Liliana Vess. Driven by anger and grief, just how far will the guilds go to exact revenge?
Lilianna Vess's Future – Truly free of her debts for the first time, Lilianna Vess should feel liberated. Instead Liliana flees from those she once called allies and friends. As enemies close in and her survival is at risk, the question that truly beguiles her is "Who is Lilianna Vess, really?"
Kaya Conflicted – The unlikely leader of the Orzhov Syndicate has been tasked with bringing Liliana Vess to justice by any means necessary. The mercurial ghost-assassin finds herself caught between the Ravnican guilds and her newfound duty to the Gatewatch.
The Future of the Gatewatch – As the team says their final goodbyes to the fallen Gideon Jura, Jace, Chandra, and others struggle with questions about their place in the Multiverse.
New Insights into Characters – Tracking down fugitives who don't want to be found requires help. As Vraska, Ral Zarek, and Kaya seek their prey, it leads to exciting revelations about intriguing characters like Teyo Verada, the Wanderer, and more. Even Rat, the gateless girl few can see, may not be everything she seems . . .
Hopefully, the sequel will be a better book. Weisman's first War of the Spark novel received many negative reviews. I'm more interested in reading Kate Elliott's MTG novel Throne of Eldraine: Wildered Quest more.
Here's the official description for War of the Spark: Forsaken:
The Planeswalkers have defeated Nicol Bolas and saved the Multiverse—though at grave cost. The living have been left to pick up the pieces and mourn the dead. But one loss is almost too great to bear: Gideon Jura, champion of justice and shield of the Gatewatch, is gone. As his former comrades Jace and Chandra struggle to rebuild from this tragedy, their future, like the future of the Gatewatch, remains uncertain. As the Gatewatch's newest member, Kaya aims to help write that future. In joining, she pledged an oath to protect the living and the dead, but now that oath will be tested. The grieving guild masters of Ravnica have tasked her with a grave mission suited to her talents as a hunter and assassin—a mission she is ordered to keep secret from the Gatewatch. She must track down and exact retribution on the traitor Liliana Vess. But Liliana Vess has no interest in being found. Forsaken by her friends, she fled Ravnica after the defeat of Bolas. She was hostage to his wicked will, forced to assist in his terrible atrocities on pain of death—until Gideon, the last one who believed in her goodness, died in her place. Haunted by Gideon's final gift, and hunted by former allies, Liliana now returns to a place she'd thought she'd never see again, the only place she has left: home.
War of the Spark: Forsaken by Greg Weisman will be released on November 12, 2019. It's now available for pre-order.
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