Wizards of the Coast
Last week, Wizards of the Coast announced the Magic Pro League, 32 of Magic's top-ranked players from around the world who are each offered player and streamer contracts with a combined worth of $75,000. The 32 players are competing in seasonal weekly competitive match-ups on MTG Arena, and in Mythic-level tournaments in both MTG Arena and tabletop.
The Magic Pro League starts in March at PAX East with the Mythic Invitational and a $1 million prize pool, and today, ESPN revealed the full list of 32 competitors below.
Alexander Hayne - Canada
Andrea Mengucci - Italy
Andrew Cuneo - United States
Ben Stark - United States
Brad Nelson - United States
Brian Braun-Duin - United States
Carlos Romao - Brazil
Christian Hauck - Germany
Eric Froehlich - United States
Gerry Thompson - United States
Grzegorz Kowalski - Poland
Javier Dominguez - Spain
Jean-Emmanuel Depraz - France
John Rolf - United States
Ken Yukuhiro - Japan
Lee Shi Tian - Hong Kong
Lucas Esper Berthoud - Brazil
Luis Salvatto - Argentina
Marcio Carvalho - Portugal
Martin Juza - Czech Republic
Matthew Nass - United States
Mike Sigrist - United States
Owen Turtenwald - United States
Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa - Brazil
Piotr Glogowski - Poland
Rei Sato - Japan
Reid Duke - United States
Seth Manfield - United States
Shahar Shenhar - Israel
Shota Yasooka - Japan
William Jensen - United States
Yuuya Watanabe - Japan
Which Magic: The Gathering player are you rooting for?
Related: MTG Mythic Championship & Mythic Championship Qualifiers Revealed