Magic: The Gathering Pro Gerry Thompson's Mythic Invitational Loss Gets A Yu-Gi-Oh! Parody

Wizards of the Coast

Many Magic: The Gathering fans were rooting for pro player Gerry Thompson to win the Mythic Invitational at PAX East but the way he lost his first round against fellow Mythic Championship winner surprised many viewers who were wondering why Thompson abruptly lost the match, and that's because the Mythic Invitational's unique double-elimination format has an awkward rule: when time runs out, the player with the higher life total wins the game. 

Now, YouTuber Mertcan has created a Yu-Gi-Oh! parody of Thompson's awkward loss, and you can watch it below: 

In the video, Thompson takes the role of Yugi and the footage was clearly taken from Yugi's match with Pegasus in the anime's early arc. Just like Gerry's situation at the Mythic Invitational, it didn't matter if he had a board position advantage or game-winning card. Time was his real opponent and having fewer life points than his opponent means that he lost. 

This parody is funny yet sad at the same time. Thompson was a clear favorite among Magic fans and the way he lost on video coverage was just painful to watch, and some fans online criticized the format for "breaking" one of Magic's fundamentals: using life as a resource to buy time, especially for Control decks. At least something entertaining came out of it: this parody. 

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