Magic: The Gathering Player Bob Huang Explains His Disqualification at Grand Prix Atlanta

MagicFest Atlanta just happened this weekend, and the Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix competitor Bob Huang was disqualified for having marked cards in the Legacy main event. He recently took it to Twitter to explain how he ended up having marked cards.

It turned out that Huang had a 5-0 record before he was disqualified from the tournament: his lands were sleeved using one set of Dragon Shield mattes and his spells were sleeved using a different set of Dragon Shield mattes, so he was disqualified on the spot because he didn't have a good explanation at that time. However, he said that he realized how that happened. "Essentially what had happened was that the two of them sleeved my deck, one sleeved lands and the other sleeved spells from two different piles of sleeves," Huang wrote "I did not notice as the two sleeves were near identical, and I didn't remember that my friends had sleeved for me as I usually do it on my own."

As you can see below, the Dragon Shield matte sleeves look slightly different and noticeable when you look at them from the side.

Huang went on to praise the Grand Prix judge staff for doing a professional job when it comes to enforcing the unfortunate event. "In the end, it's an unfortunate situation but I will try to bounce back in the PTQ tomorrow," Huang said. "The judge stuff did a fine job based on the information they had and I have nothing against them. In fact, I want to thank them for taking so much time as it was a very long investigation that had many follow-ups and involved lots of people. I'm ready to bounce back from a series of unfortunate events."

I believe Huang is telling the truth but there's no way to tell for sure. I've experienced having a deck with slightly different Dragon Shield sleeves so I can see how this can happen to someone else.

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