Wizards of the Coast
The Magic: The Gathering Esports Twitter page has announced the details for two of the six Mythic Championship events this year.
Mythic Championship IV will be in Barcelona, Spain, and the format will be Modern Constructed and Modern Horizons Draft. It will take place on July 26-28. You can find more details for Mythic Championship IV here.
Mythic Championship VI will be in Richmond, Virginia on November 8-10, and the format will be Standard and Booster Draft of the Fall set, codename Archery. You can check out more details for Mythic Championship VI here.
Wizards of the Coast still haven't announced details for Mythic Championship III and Mythic Championship V, which are expected to use Magic: The Gathering Arena instead of actual cards.
Are you excited for the upcoming Mythic Championships this year? Be sure to check out our Top 10 Most Memorable MTG Moments From Mythic Invitational & War of The Spark Panel and watch our latest Magic Arena video below: