Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship Cleveland Coverage Details Revealed

Wizards of the Coast

The first Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship (formerly called Pro Tour) of the year is happening this weekend, and it will feature some 500 players from around the world, including 32 members of the Magic Pro League. Today, Wizards of the Coast have announced the coverage details for the upcoming $500,000 event.

Each day's broadcast in the Cleveland, Ohio event this weekend (February 22-24) will start at 9 a.m. ET, and you can stream it on They will be featuring round-by-round coverage, interviews, deck techs, and more.

You can also follow @MagicEsports on Twitter to get match-by-match

And here's the coverage team for Mythic Championship I:

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Wizards of the Coast

Rich Hagon
Maria Bartholdi
Brian David-Marshall
Marshall Sutcliffe
Paul Cheon
Simon Görtzen
Riley Knight
Tim Willoughby

The formats for this Mythic Championship is Ravnica Allegiance Booster Draft and Standard Constructed.

Are you excited for the first Mythic Championship this year?

The Mythic Championship will take place in the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

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