Magic: The Gathering Misprints in Unfinity Causing Huge Problems For Players

Wizards of the Coast recently released the humorous new Magic: The Gathering set, Unfinity, and the misprinted cards in the fifth Un-set is already causing problems for players with regard to the new Legendary Creature card, Myra the Magnificent.

Misprints are nothing new in Magic: The Gathering, but the misprints in Unfinity are causing larger-than-normal problems because of a new card's classification system that has gone wrong. Cards in Un-sets such as the ones in Unglued, Unhinged, Unstable, and Unsanctioned are not legal in sanctioned tournaments, and that's why they are silver-bordered, marking them clearly not legal in tournament play.

In Unfinity, however, there are cards not legal in sanctioned play are mixed with cards that are, so instead of making all the cards in Unfinity silver-bordered, WotC decided to mark them with holographic stickers on the bottom of each card to indicate which cards casual-play-only cards from what's legal. The illegal cards are marked with an acorn-shaped sticker while legal cards have the typical oval sticker.

Some copies of Myra the Magnificent have the appropriate oval sticker, but some players are pulling copies of Myra the Magnificent with an acorn sticker. Of course, this has caused confusion among players, so they will have to wait for Wizards to provide a clarification and ruling to know of the card's legality.

The storyline of Unfinity enters on "Myra the Magnificent's Intergalactic Astrotorium of Fun", a space carnival that travels the galaxy. The whole park is a series of interconnected flying spaceships that can travel from planet to planet, and the employees of the park are Elves, Goblins, Vampires, and Zombies.

Unfinity is now available in stores, but at this time, WotC doesn't have any plans to release the set in Magic: The Gathering Arena.