Magic: The Gathering Jumpstart Booster Packs Delayed Due to COVID-19

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Today, Wizards of the Coast has announced that it's shifting the release date of Magic: The Gathering's Jumpstart product to July 17 because of the manufacturing delays due to COVID-19. Originally announced last February, Jumpstart was set to release in July 3 with prerelease events scheduled on June 20-21.

Wizards noted that this shift will not affect the release of Core Set 2021, which is set to release in June 25 on digital, and July 3 on tabletop.

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Credit: Wizards of the Coast

Wizards also said that Jumpstart will release on Magic: The Gathering Arena on July 16, and on Magic Online on June 25 through Treasure Chests only.

WotC describes Jumpstart as a "new kind of play experience inside a new kind of booster."

Here are key descriptions of Jumpstart:

> Each booster contains 20 cards centered on a theme. What theme each booster contains is randomized, but each themed 20 cards will be sealed inside the pack and labled.
> One in three boosters includes an extra rare.
> It's loaded with reprints—almost 500!
> Jumpstart introduces 37 new cards to the game. These will not be Standard-, Pioneer-, or Modern-legal cards. They are legal in Legacy, Vintage, and Commander.
> It's closely tied to Core Set 2021—they share a lot of content and release near one another—but Jumpstart is a stand-alone product.
> All cards are legal in Eternal formats (Legacy, Vintage, and Commander)
> Every pack includes one basic land with art that matches the pack's theme. A few of them use thematically appropriate lands from M21, but most of them use brand-new themed land art created for Jumpstart.

You can check out all the themes for Jumpstart they announced so far here.

Are you excited for the release of Jumpstart? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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