Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Reveals New Details About Modern Horizons

Wizards of the Coast

The official previews for the upcoming straight-to-Modern Magic: The Gathering set, Modern Horizons, is kicking off this week, and MTG head designer Mark Rosewater has revealed more details about it. Rosewater revealed information about the set's mechanics as well as the percentage of new cards and reprints.

Over on his Blogatog, Rosewater said that the design team for Modern Horizons set a restriction to only use mechanics already in Modern up to Dragons of Tarkir. He also revealed on Twitter that there are over 40 nonevergreen mechanics in Modern Horizons.

Rosewater also revealed on his Blogatog that 80% of the cards in Modern Horizons are new and 20% are reprints that will be legal to the Modern format when the set releases next month. "I can't wait for you all to see them all," he wrote. "We had a blast making this set!"

Modern Horizons will be released on June 14. Prerelease events will take place on June 8 and 9. The prerelease events will be Draft, not Sealed. Previews will begin at the end of May. The War of the Spark card set will be released on May 3, 2019. It's already available in digital version on Magic Arena.

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