Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Reveals His Top 10 Supplemental MTG Products

Every year, Wizards of the Coast releases supplemental Magic: The Gathering products such as Commander preconstructed decks, non-Standard format expansions, and Duel Decks. These products are usually released between the official release dates of the Standard expansions, and some of them like the Un-sets and Battlebond are meant to be played for casual formats for pure fun, not more serious and competitive formats such as Standard or Modern. But not all of them are made equally, some like the Signature Spellbook products are made for the hardcore collector while Duel Decks are made more for beginners. If you're wondering which supplemntal sets the Magic head designer Mark Rosewater considers the best, you may want to check out his Top 10.

Rosewater shared his Top 10 supplemental Magic products, and the Un-sets such as Unglued, Unhinged, and Unstable made it on top of the list. Modern Horizons, which was released earlier this year, comes second while Modern Masters and Commander decks are ranked lower in his list.

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Credit: Wizards of the Coast - Illustrated by Milivoj Eran

Check out Rosewater's Top 10 Magic supplemental products that he shared on his Blogatog:

1) Un-sets
2) Modern Horizons
3) Planechase
4) Battlebond
5) Archenemy
6) Conspiracy sets
7) Modern Masters sets
8) Commander Decks
9) Duel Decks
10) Signature Spellbook

It's not surprising to see the Un-sets on top of Rosewater's list since he was heavily-involved in the design of those sets. These products feature silver-bordered cards that are not legal in any Magic formats, and they have silly themes that you can't take seriously. I mostly agree with his ranking, and I hope Wizards of the Coast will release more innovative Magic supplemental sets in the near future.

What's your favorite Magic supplemental product? Let us know in the comments section below.

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