Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Asks Fans What They Like About Lorwyn After Getting Feedback For Its Return

Wizards of the Coast

Lorywn, the tribal-focused plane of Magic: The Gathering, is one of the most memorable worlds the game Wizards of the Coast have developed and now, fans want a return to it.

Magic Head Designer Mark Rosewater recently did a poll asking which plane fans want to return to for a future Magic set, and the clear winner was Lorwyn. Now, he wants to know why fans would love to return to the plane of many tribes.

"Last week, I asked you all about what planes you want to see us visit in future Standard-legal sets," Rosewater wrote on his Blogatog. "The weighted winner was Lorwyn. Lorwyn was also the winner of the Head-to-Head about planes to return to. So, I'm interested to hear from all the Lorwyn fans, why do you want to return there and what would you want to see in a return?"

Many Magic fans responded to his Blogatog and Reddit, saying that Lorwyn's stylistic artworks, lore, and variety of creatures like changelings, kithkins, elves, and faeries make the world stand out. Some pointed out Rebecca Guay's memorable artworks from the Lorwyn block such as Bitterblossom and some fans mentioned that the world has no humans - which is a good break from the typical Magic set.

I agree that the art style for Lorwyn looks awesome and it would be great to see artists like Seb McKinnon create wonderful visuals for Magic's fan-favorite setting.

Would you like to see a return to Lorwyn? If yes, share your reasons in the comments section below.

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