On Monday, the Magic: The Gathering subreddit pointed out the legality of all the nontoken cards from the Secret Lair x The Walking Dead collection changed in The Gatherer, Wizards of the Coast's official MTG database. It showed that the cards are no longer legal in any sanctioned Magic formats, but the cards were announced to be legal in Commander and other Eternal Constructed formats like Vintage and Legacy. While this is a welcome change to many who didn't want characters from another IP legal in any official format, Wizards hasn't made an announcment about the change, leading players to wonder if the change was official or just a glitch.
According to Magic head designer Mark Rosewater, it's the latter. When asked about the change in The Gatherer, Rosewater confirmed on his Blogatog that "it's an error on The Gatherer" and that it's being fixed.
This means that the legality of cards 'Rick, Steadfast Leader', 'Daryl, Hunter of Walkers', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', and 'Glenn, the Voice of Calm' have not been changed despite The Gatherer's recent error.
While some fans enjoyed seeing characters from another IP featured in cards that are legal in Commander and other Eternal formats, many expressed their criticisms to Wizards of the Coast's decision to legalize them in these formats. Back in September, fans started a petition to ban the cards in Commander, but the Commander RC ultimately decided to not ban them, and explained why.
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Are you sad or happy that the legality change in The Gatherer was just an error? Let us know in the comments section below.
Secret Lair x The Walking Dead was available for preorder last October on secretlair.wizards.com for $49.99/£49.99/€54.99.