Magic: The Gathering Community Sends Their Well Wishes to Sheldon Menery

Sheldon Menergy, the godfather of the fan-favorite Magic: The Gathering format Commander, is once again going through chemotherapy to fight cancer, and today, several members of the MTG community got together to show their support for Menery.

In a video uploaded on the Star City Games YouTube channel, Menery's podcast co-host, Anthony Alongi asked several prominent community members to share their thoughts for the format Sheldon created and what his friendship means to them. Content creators like Josh Lee Kwai, Jimmy Wong, and Chase (Mana Curves) expressed their support as well as Senior MTG Designer Gavin Verhey and game designer Brian David Marshall.

Watch the video from Star City Games below:

It's great to see how the MTG community is showing their love for Menery and the format he developed.

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