Wizards of the Coast
Today, Wizards of the Coast have revealed this year's Magic: The Gathering Challenger Decks, four new ready-to-play 75-card decks that are intended to be playable for competitive Standard format. The decks include United Assault (mono-white), Lightning Aggro (mono-red), Deadly Discovery (Golgari Explore), and Arcane Tempo (Izzet Tempo).
Check out the packaging and decklists below:
Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
Last year's Challenger decks were successful so it's not surprising to see Wizards of the Coast release a new batch of ready-to-play Standard decks this year. These Challenger Decks are definitely great for those who are just starting to play Standard or getting back to the format. I would probably pick Arcane Tempo among these 4 as it includes a copy of Arclight Phoenix, one of the most powerful cards in Standard and Modern right now.
What do you think about these new Challenger Decks? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
The Challenger Decks 2019 will be available on April 12, and will have an MSRP of $29.99 (only applies to the USA). The Challenger Decks will be available worldwide in English, with Japanese available in Japan.
Check out our MTG Standard Facebook group here.
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