Magic: The Gathering Arena Animation For Ilharg, The Raze Boar Revealed

Wizards of the Coast

Ravnica's Boar God is real after all!

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar from the upcoming Magic: The Gathering set War of the Spark was revealed yesterday, and it's already one of the most-talked-about cards from the new set because of its powerful Through the Breach-like effect.

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Since it's a mythic rare and legendary, it's expected to get its own animation in Magic: The Gathering Arena. Today, has revealed what that looks like when you play the card in Arena. Watch it below:

That looks wild! This is going to be a fun card to brew around. Sure, it's a vulnerable 5-drop creature but it can win you games if your opponent can't get rid of it. I can't wait to see the animations for the God-Eternal cards.

Are you excited to play this boar god?

Watch our latest Magic Arena video below:

War of the Spark will be released on May 3, 2019. Prerelease events will take place on April 27-28.

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