Apple is said to be releasing MacBook Pro 2022, with reports claiming the 13-inch model could feature a brand-new processor following the unveiling of the Apple M2 chip. There have been claims that the forthcoming new Apple laptop would be revealed at the tech giant’s upcoming Spring event, where iPhone SE 2022 is also expected to be announced.
Speculations are rife that there won’t be a major design change for MacBook Pro 2022 as it would simply upgrade the processor to a next-gen M2 chip. However, this could also mean that the upcoming 13-inch MacBook would no longer have the Mini LED technology and ProMotion features.
Are you excited about the MacBook Pro 2022? Keep on reading to know more details.
MacBook Pro 2022 Release Date
Reports suggested that the new MacBook Pro 2022 would be unveiled during the forthcoming Apple Spring event. Besides the much-anticipated new Apple laptop, a new iPhone SE and iPad Air 5 are also expected to be announced at the said event.
As of this writing, Apple has not confirmed the date for its Spring event yet. However, tech enthusiasts are aware that it took place on April 20 last year, which means it would likely be held in a similar window.
Other reports claimed, however, that MacBook Pro 2022 would not hit the shelves until October or November. These are the months when Apple makes major announcements and is likely to be the launch window for MacBook Air 2022.
MacBook Pro 2022 Price
Apple has not yet released the official price of the MacBook Pro 2022. However, since the new 13-inch MacBook Pro is only expected to have a processor refresh, fans could expect it to remain in the same price range.
At the moment, the cheapest 13-inch MacBook Pro is priced around $1,470. The variant with 512GB storage currently costs $1,696.33.
MacBook Pro 2022 Specs, Design, Features And Storage
As for the specs, reports have it that MacBook Pro 2022 is set to become the first Mac to feature the next-gen M2 processor, which comes with a more efficient architecture to boost the performance without increasing the number of CPU cores. MacRumors claimed Apple could add an extra 2 GPU cores to the chip, talking the maximum total to 10, making it ideal for intense workloads such as video editing.
No other significant new features, aside from the M2 processor, are expected from the upcoming MacBook Pro 2022. It is even predicted that it would keep the existing MacBook Pro design and retain the TouchBar even after the 14-inch and 16-inch variants ditched it last year.
The MacBook Pro 2022 is also expected to have the same storage options as its predecessors, with 256GB as the base option. It remains to be seen, however, if the new 13-inch MacBook Pro would feature ProMotion, which allows for smoother pictures when displaying fast motion.
Aside from that, there are no clear indications that the MacBook Pro 2022 would feature Mini LED screen technology. This is even after it was suggested that the forthcoming 13-inch MacBook Pro would receive the upgrade.
Stay tuned to EpicStream for the latest news and updates about MacBook Pro 2022!