Luke Skywalker Set For Emotional Scene Featuring Two Major Characters In Star Wars: Episode IX

There is little doubt that Luke Skywalker will return in Star Wars: Episode IX. However, it looks like his comeback could be a tense one considering the two characters he will interact with next year.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi proved to be a difficult one for Luke Skywalker. He struggled to connect with his new apprentice Rey and somehow faced his former student Kylo Ren. Although fans were initially concerned that Mark Hamill will not be back in Episode IX, the cast list confirmed that the actor will reprise his role in the highly anticipated sequel. Not surprisingly, Luke's return could be somehow connected to two of his former students.

According to Express, Hamill's scenes in Episode IX could potentially involve Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver. The report reveals that the scene is "being specifically constructed."

It's unclear if all three actors will appear in the same scene together. Fans believe that Luke will attempt to continue training Rey despite his obvious death in The Last Jedi. His Force Ghost is also set to communicate with the former Ben Solo in an effort to bring him back from the Dark Side.

A Force Ghost appearance might seem like the obvious way for Luke to return. However, some still believe that Luke didn't actually die in The Last Jedi and could return in the flesh in Episode IX. However, it is important to point out that this theory has not been confirmed by Disney or Lucasfilm.

Star Wars: Episode IX will premiere in December 2019.

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