Lucasfilm NOT Making Star Wars Movies for Disney's Streaming Service

Disney is coming up with their streaming service sometime this year, and a movie is already expected to debut on Disney+ in the form of Lady in the Tramp. Though Star Wars: The Mandalorian is also coming to the service, Lucasfilm has no plans to make films that will be going straight to the platform.

Talking to Barron's, Disney CEO Bob Iger explained:

"Our studio makes between eight and 10 movies a year, and they're big budget, hopefully big box-office films, that really belong, we believe, on the big screen. We're not looking to take one of those and put it on this platform. When we made the announcement, we said we're going to make original movies for the platform. A number of ideas were pitched. Other than one, which was being contemplated for the big screen but wasn't a big movie, none of them were in development as big-screen movies. One of them that we're making for the platform is a remake of Lady and the Tramp. There was not one discussion about whether we should make that for the big screen. Everybody said this is a great story, would love to make it again, let's make it for what we call ‘the service' internally."

As a Star Wars fan, I could say that I'm somewhat relieved to know that Lucasfilm has no plans to make ‘smaller' movies when it comes to Disney+. After Solo underperformed, a lot of people were thinking that Lucasfilm could make the sequel for the streaming platform instead, but at least now I know that there is a bar set for every Star Wars movie that comes out, and they have to be good enough for the box office.

Call me old-fashioned, but I think Star Wars films should always be a spectacle, and they're best watched on a big screen, not on a laptop or a phone.

For now, we have no solid ideas on what movies are coming after Star Wars Episode IX. We know that Rian Johnson is working on his own trilogy of films, as well as David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. As long as I can get news on that Solo sequel, I think I'll be all set.

Catch Star Wars Episode IX in theaters Dec. 20.

See Also: The Mandalorian Will Be The First Star Wars Series On Disney+