Loki's Avengers: Infinity War Death Plot Hole Finally Explained By Marvel

It looks like Marvel wants to make it clear that Loki is officially dead. The studio's new book may have explained a possible plot hole about the God of Mischief's death in Avengers: Infinity War.

Fans have theorized that Loki isn't really dead because his corpse didn't revert back to its Frost Giant form in Infinity War. However, a Reddit user may have found proof that there was no plot hole in the film. The evidence can be found in the Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary with its interesting description of Tom Hiddleston's character. Take a look at the image below.

I've seen many people question why Loki didn't revert back to his jotun form when he died, and whether his death was real based on his lack of transformation. These pages from the Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary explain why Loki remained in his Asgardian form during death.

The dictionary confirms that Loki's "blue Frost Giant skin [was] transformed by Odin." In addition to that, the book confirms that the God of Mischief "temporarily reverts to his original form, with blue skin and red eyes" when he comes in contact with other "Frost Giants and their relics."

This could certainly explain why Loki's body didn't change after being killed by Thanos. After all, there were no Frost Giants or relics on board the Asgardian ship. For now, we'll have to accept that Thor's adopted brother had sacrificed himself to save the Odinson.

Although Loki is as good as dead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans can rest assured that we haven't seen the last of the beloved character. Hiddleston has previously been confirmed to reprise the role in a new series about the God of Mischief that will air on Disney+. There is a possibility that the show will follow Loki's childhood and adventures before the events in Infinity War.

Related: Tom Hiddleston Teases On What To Expect From His Disney+ Loki Series