There is little doubt that Loki gave fans several awesome discoveries about the God of Mischief. For instance, the series confirmed Loki's sexuality in an interesting exchange between Loki and Sylvie. However, Russell T. Davies isn't a fan of how the Marvel Cinematic Universe show revealed such an important detail and had harsh words for Marvel because of the way it dealt with the revelation. Now, Loki executive producer Kate Herron has addressed the Doctor Who showrunner's comments.
In Loki, Sylvie and Loki learn more about each other through a memorable conversation. At one point, Sylvie suggests there that must have been "many would-be princesses or perhaps, another prince," in Loki's life. He simply answers, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you."
It was a subtle yet awesome revelation but Russell T. Davies wasn't particularly impressed, calling the move "pathetic."
"It’s a ridiculous, craven, feeble gesture towards the vital politics and the stories that should be told,” the Queer as Folk showrunner said.
The comments have since reached Kate Herron, who shared her own thoughts on what Davies has to say about Loki's coming out scene.
"I don’t disagree that there should be bigger stories being told, but—and I think he has a right to his opinion—I’m very proud of what we did in the show," Herron told Variety. "Russell is a hero of mine, but like I’ve said, I hope that we did at least open the door and that more stories will come.”
It's a cool and gracious response and we're glad that Herron was the showrunner in the first season of Loki. Hopefully, the series will continue to push things further in the future.
Loki Season 2 has not yet been given an official release date. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
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