Like Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper), Groot (Vin Diesel), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and all the other Marvel heroes who've yet to receive their own standalone film, Loki's (Tom Hiddleston) being given his own miniseries on Disney+.
Word on the street says that Captain America may very well play a part in the Asgardian God of Mischief's upcoming Disney+ miniseries, however, some are wondering whether or not Chris Evans would return to play the role or whether another actor would take on the part. After all, Evans contract with the Marvel Cinematic Universe ended with the release of Avenges: Endgame.
Joe and Anthony Russo just recently went on an interview with the Business Insider about the upcoming Disney+ miniseries that are to follow after Endgame. During the filmmakers' discussion with the publication, the Russos hinted that Captain America may very well be part of the Loki series as Steve tries to set right what went wrong in Endgame after the Asgardian stole the Space Stone with the Avenger in pursuit.
"Loki, when he teleports away with the Time Stone, would create his own timeline. It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki," Joe Russo told the publication, "The minute that Loki does something as dramatic as take the Space Stone, he creates a branched reality."
Now, it looks like Marvel will see the series dealing with multiverses and alternate realities.
"We're dealing with this idea of multiverses and branched realities, so there are many realities," Anthony Russo said.
This definitely works if Marvel plans to bring another Captain America actor in the show. The only question is who? Do you have any suggestions? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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