Loki Fans Are Losing It Over That Chaotic [SPOILER] Fight

What happens when you put several Loki Variants in one room? Chaos, of course, and that's exactly what we got in Loki Episode 5. Not surprisingly, fans are loving that crazy chaotic fight between the Lokis that was brought on by everybody's favorite Variant.

We were already expecting to see more Variants after Episode 4's mid-credits scene. Luckily, we were not disappointed as we got to learn more about Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki. It was also revealed that Kid Loki led the Variants but there is someone out there who is eager to take his throne.

At one point, Boastful Loki tries to betray his companions and side with President Loki, who wants to be the leader of the Variants in the Void. However, Alligator Loki isn't having any of it and promptly attacks President Loki, chomping his handoff.

Needless to say, chaos ensues as President Loki's Variant comrades attack. But this is a fight consist of Lokis so there's going to be some sneaky moves like an unexpected "Get Help" maneuver in the middle of it.

We're all loving the chaos but Loki Episode 5 also brought us to tears. Classic Loki ultimately found his "glorious purpose" as he faced off against Alioth just to help Loki and Sylvie. Needless to say, we're hoping his sacrifice will be worth it in the finale.

Loki Episode 5 is titled Journey Into Mystery, which is a clever reference to the comic book issue where the God of Mischief made his debut. The episode is now streaming on Disney+.

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