Isekai anime continue to be popular, though many anime fans have been pushing back or at least poking fun at the sheer number of them. Now, a light novel author has voiced her opinion on isekai stories as she called works in the genre unoriginal and embarrassing.
Recently, RealSound interviewed the light novel author Usagi Nakamura, the creator of the 90s light novel classic Gokudo the Adventurer.
As a veteran light novel creator, Nakamura had some particularly harsh words for isekai stories.
Light Novel Author Criticizes Isekai
In the interview, Nakamura mentioned that she is no longer active in writing light novels, but she still keeps it in view.
She also mentioned that the Naro or light novel self-publishing websites have contributed to the medium’s popularity.
Though this has also resulted in the proliferation of isekai novels, to the point that titles have become repetitive and unoriginal.
Nakamura explained her thoughts on the matter as:
When I see stories being mass-produced, all of which are stories about being suddenly endowed with amazing powers and being popular with girls and in a harem situation, I wonder where originality is, and isn't it embarrassing to write similar novels?
The sheer number of isekai novels reminded Nakamura of the time when she was chosen to judge an erotic novel contest.
In the competition, the finalists were all written similarly to the point that they seemed to be written by the same person.
Nakamura said that this also seems to be the case with the current light novel industry. Many authors are simply going with isekai stories that are filled with tropes as they are chasing the trend.
Even illustrators are also guilty of this as the art styles of many light novel illustrations are made with a similar look, said Nakamura.
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Usagi Nakamura’s Advice to Newcomer Authors
While it’s easy to simply criticize the light novels of today, Nakamura did share some advice for aspiring authors.
Specifically, Nakamura said that beginner writers shouldn’t write stories with sales in mind as this will make the story generic and unoriginal. Instead, writers should write whatever stories they know and like.
However, the reality is that isekai stories in the light novel space will likely continue to increase given how popular they continue to be.
After all, there are still lots of isekai novels being adapted into manga such as this season’s I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World.
On the flip side, there are at least some titles that put interesting twists on isekai.
For instance, there’s Campfire Cooking in Another World which is a more light-hearted take on the genre.
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Source: RealSound via Anime Hunch