During the recent Future Games Show Spring Showcase, a new trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was released. As the name of the trailer implies, the “Darkness Rises” trailer heavily focuses on the villains from the game, including Darth Vader, Jango Fett, Emperor Palpatine, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and more. With the trailer lasting more than two minutes, it gives the fans a good look at some of the pivotal moments from the movies, including the battle of Obi-Wan and Anakin in Mustafar, the clash of Vader and Luke on Bespin, and more. The trailer shows some of the darker moments in the Star Wars saga, but the trademark humor of LEGO can still be found in it.
You can watch the new “Darkness Rises” trailer for the upcoming game below.
A lot of fans are anticipating the release of The Skywalker Saga. The developer TT Games has released several different adaptations of the Star Wars movies over the past few years, but this upcoming game seems incredibly ambitious, giving players the chance to experience all nine main chapters in the Star Wars canon. Each movie consists of five different levels, and the players can enjoy them in any order that they want. The game will also be featuring more than 300 characters from the films, with some of the fan favorites included, as well as several others. A full list of the playable characters has not been officially revealed yet, but a leaked list recently surfaced online.
Of course, as with every game, the number of playable characters will increase shortly after the launch of the games, as several DLC packs will be offered. The packs will allow the players to choose from various Star Wars favorite characters outside of the three trilogies, including the characters from Solo, Rogue One, The Mandalorian, and The Bad Batch. That’s quite a lot of Star Wars content, and fans of the franchise will be able to experience it for themselves soon.
The upcoming LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is set to be released on April 5 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Also Read: Star Wars Gets Its Own Villainous Game