Leaked Spider-Man: Far From Home Lego Sets Tease Huge Battles Against [Spoilers]

Since we're all expecting Avengers: Endgame to break our hearts and stomp on them afterward, Spider-Man: Far From Home should be a nice return to form that might also tease what's next for Marvel. The first trailer, which Sony dubbed as a "teaser" despite being two minutes long, hinted at some of Spidey's classic villains like Sandman, Hydro-Man, and Molten Man.

Because Mysterio is totally a hero you guys.

Anyway, we didn't think too much about the scale of these battles but judging from these leaked Lego sets, it looks like we might get huge battles with Molten Man and Hydro-Man. From what the comics have told us, Molten Man isn't capable of turning into a giant so that's actually a nice little twist if it ends up coming true. Hydro Man's set looks like what we would expect from a fight with the villain since they didn't steer too far from the elemental's characteristics.

Keep in mind that what is shown in these toys don't always happen on the big screen. What we see is usually done to get kids to buy these toys using their parents' money but there have been exceptions. I mean, those white suits are actually in Avengers: Endgame.

Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out in July.

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