Latest Jump Force Trailer Highlights Bleach Characters

After being left out of the Supercut trailer, Bandai Namco has decided to spotlight the Bleach fighters who will be appearing in Jump Force. Ichigo, Aizen, and Rukia can also be seen doing awesome combos, along with a number of confirmed characters like Naruto, Goku, and Freeza. It's a nice return to the form for the series, especially since Bleach fans are probably still bitter about the ending (for both the anime and manga).

Fans of the property will be happy seeing Ichigo and Rukia transform, which isn't too surprising if we're being honest. Goku, Naruto, and Luffy have already shown off their transformations after all. Ichigo is in his Hollow Form whilst Rukia has reached her Bankai state. The characters are based on their designs from The Thousand Year Blood War arc.

There are a couple of noteworthy things from the Bleach trailer, including a new arena based on Hong Kong. Mixing real-world locations with some of the more iconic areas from the various Jump properties was a stroke of genius and it will be interesting to see what else gets fused together. It will be interesting to see which characters are included next. Fingers crossed for Hunter X Hunter.

Jump Force currently has no release date but it will be coming out on 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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