After a five-minute trailer that almost spoiled the movie, a 30-second tv spot was probably the best thing DC and Warner Bros. could do for Aquaman. While most people would agree that the five-minute trailer was epic and well-done, smaller teases like this one will please those that just want to see small snippets of the movie.
Thankfully, this TV spot for the film is pretty varied, featuring a ton of locations and some cool fights. We see Arthur about to get into a bar fight, while correcting the thugs and saying he's a "fish man" and not a fish boy, take on his brother with fancy weapons, and throw a guy against a submarine wall.
Beyond fights, we also get more scenes with Nicole Kidman, who will be playing Arthur's mom, and a few that highlight Mera, played by Amber Heard. This film really does look great and it could turn the tide (haha) for DC, who has been in a slump after the critical and commercial failure that was Justice League. While this film will take place after JL, it won't reference the events of that movie too much.
So far, everything we've seen from the movie looks like a solid superhero movie, with some people claiming it looks better than most Marvel films. While that's a bit of hyperbole, there's no doubt that Aquaman looks like a fun time for everyone and could be the DC movie that gets us more hyped for future installments.
Aquaman comes out on December 21.
Read:James Wan on Bringing Aquaman's Classic Costume to the Big Screen