Wizards of the Coast has released the official cinematic trailer for the upcoming Norse mythology-inspired Magic: The Gathering set, Kaldheim, and it features the planeswalker Kaya battling the Trolls of Gnottvold, and it turns out that the half-devil planeswalker Tibalt is rallying them to war. She discovers that Tibalt uses the Sword of the Realms to open a portal so he and the trolls can escape.
Watch the official cinematic trailer for Kaldheim below:
The video continues the Viking metal themes of Kaldheim's marketing, and it's cool seeing Kaya slaying some trolls with her dual axes, but compared to Magic: The Gathering trailers of previous set in recent years (notably War of the Spark's), this trailer just looks mediocre. It doesn't even show Kaya's ghost powers well even though she looks badass with her new haircut and the metal music in the background. It makes us wonder what Tibalt is really up to though.
You can watch the teaer below:
What do you think about the cinematic trialer for Kaldheim? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Kaldheim is set to release on February 5, 2021 for tabletop, and Jan. 28 on Magic Arena and Magic Online. The set will be followed by Strixhaven: School of Mages, which is set to release sometime in Spring 2021.