Justice League Snyder Cut Release was Almost Prevented by COVID-19

The confirmation of the Justice League Snyder Cut being released might be the best thing that happened to DC fans during the coronavirus outbreak. However, it looks like the highly anticipated director's cut almost became one of the victims of COVID-19. Deborah Snyder has just revealed that she and her husband Zack Snyder had to convince Warner Bros. that the movie is what the studio needs right now.

Deborah recently admitted that they were already concerned about the Snyder Cut being cancelled if they pushed production back due to COVID-19 (via Screenrant). However, Deborah and Zack went out of their way to point out that the ongoing pandemic would be the best time to finalize the director's cut.

"People thought, 'It won't be possible to ramp up, and that maybe this should go on the back burner.' But we said, 'No, this is the right time' because our visual effects houses that rely on so much are running out of work, so now is the time to be doing this," Deborah said.

Deborah also confirmed that it was easy for the visual effects houses to get back to work on the film since they still had access to the original digital assets. With that in mind, the Snyder Cut could soon be completed in time for its 2021 release.

The Justice League Snyder Cut has not yet been given an official release date. However, it is already expected to premiere on HBO Max in 2021.

Related: Zack Snyder Still Has Work to Do on Snyder Cut of Justice League