It seems like the Snyder Cut, or Zack Snyder's Justice League, has everything that fans have been hoping for. From Darkseid's appearance to the heroes working together to defeat the supervillain, it was all teased in the film's first trailer. But what happened to Superman's beard and mullet that was supposed to go with his new black suit? Snyder has offered an interesting explanation of why he decided against the look.
The Snyder Cut panel at DC FanDome covered just about everything that people wanted to know about the new version of Justice League. The filmmaker even went out of his way to thank the fans who started the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement that led to the release of the director's cut. However, Snyder never really addressed the decision not to give Superman a beard and mullet. Luckily, this has changed as the director took part in Reel In Motion's roundtable where he admitted he thought about using the look but decided it might not work.
"I think that the beard is a possibility. The mullet... it's just a tough one. It's hard, it's hard to make it look badass," Snyder said.
It's understandable that a mullet might be a hard look to pull off but several fans might want to disagree claiming that Henry Cavill would still look great since he's Henry Cavill. On the other hand, it's Snyder's film so we'll just have to agree with him on this one.
Do you think Snyder should have gone with a beard and mullet for Superman in the Justice League Snyder Cut? Sound off in the comments below.
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