In a recent interview with ScreenRant, Jurassic World: Dominion director Colin Trevorrow dropped a lot of information about the upcoming sixth movie in the Jurassic franchise. This comes just days after Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment not only unveiled a new poster for the movie but also announced a short preview that will show alongside the release of Fast & Furious 9 when it hits IMAX theaters later this month, along with an accompanying image of a feathered dinosaur.
When speaking specifically of themes and the overall style of the film, Trevorrow compared the concluding film in the Jurassic World trilogy to a James Bond or Jason Bourne movie, explaining that the film is a "globe-hopping adventure", similar to the iconic spy films. We already know that British Columbia and Malta have served as filming locations for the movie and given the concept of dinosaurs not only being an American problem, but a worldwide one, it's clear to see how the film will be the first in the franchise to venture beyond Costa Rica and the United States.
Trevorrow also describes the film as a "sci-fi thriller that explores genetic power". Here's what he had to say in reflecting upon the themes of the last four movies, and of Dominion's themes, which seem to be tying in directly with the original 1993 film: "We haven't really been able to talk about genetic power and the danger inherent in it; what these dinosaurs existing on our planet right now really represents and how it all ties into the dangers we face today. So that's what we got to do, and obviously, I got to be able to work with Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum in order to tell that story." He also clarified the timeline of the movie, confirming that, like the five previous installments before it, as well as the short film Battle at Big Rock, takes place in ‘real-time, meaning that Dominion will actually be set in the year it's released, in 2022, four years after the events of Fallen Kingdom.
Naturally, the director avoided specific plot details but did talk to some extent about three returning OG characters: Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcolm. When discussing them, he went on to say, "I feel like we'll want people to come to see the movie to see the context of it, but they are in the whole movie. They are major characters and they go on an adventure together, and they collide with our modern characters." This puts fears to rest, with many fans disappointed that Ian Malcolm had only two short scenes in the Fallen Kingdom.
However, there is also a fourth returning OG character in the form of ‘Rexy', the tyrannosaurus rex from the original film who reprised her role in Jurassic World and also reappeared in the Fallen Kingdom, at the end of which she was released into the wild. Trevorrow talked about the dinosaur, explaining that the T-Rex escaped into the Sierra Nevada forest (where all the dinosaurs at the end of that film escaped to). "She's just been living in there," he said. "They've been struggling to catch her for a very long time."
When discussing the first trailer for the movie, Trevorrow hinted at the possibility that there might be a bit of a wait, saying, "I don't know yet, but this is what we're doing for everyone - hopefully many people will be able to see this as possible. But I promise there will be trailers galore. I just can't wait for everyone to come and see the movie next year. It's going to be a blast."
Jurassic World: Dominion releases in theaters on June 10, 2022.
Related: Jurassic World Dominion Preview