Based on sales and popularity, Jujutsu Kaisen is one of Japan's biggest shonen manga titles in recent years. Though it seems that the series is ending earlier than expected as Jujutsu Kaisen manga creator Gege Akutami mentioned that he is ending the series in 2023.
This news comes from several anime and manga insiders who have seen early copies of the next Weekly Shonen Jump issue.
There, it seems that Akutami detailed his plan of ending the series this year.
Jujutsu Kaisen: One of Shonen Jump’s Biggest Titles
Since it began serialization in 2018, Jujutsu Kaisen has gone on to become one of Shonen Jump’s biggest hits.
For reference, the series has over 70 million copies in circulation as of August 2022, making it one of the top-selling manga of all time.
Jujutsu Kaisen also became Japan’s top-selling manga of 2022. Specifically, it topped the Oricon 2022 charts in terms of volumes sold, beating out other big titles like Tokyo Revengers, Spy x Family, and One Piece.
The series was already a popular title during its first two years, though its popularity skyrocketed thanks to the anime adaptation by MAPPA that aired in 2020.
Aside from being a big hit in Japan, the anime also gained a huge following internationally, enough that you likely won’t see an anime convention without at least a couple of Jujutsu Kaisen cosplayers.
To capitalize on its popularity, the anime film Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was released last year, and it also became a huge hit worldwide.
On top of this, the show’s second season is also set to air later this year and will cover the manga’s biggest arc.
ALSO READ: Jujutsu Kaisen Watch Order: Should You Watch the Movie First?
Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Ending in 2023
While the latest Shonen Jump issue is not officially out yet, some manga insiders have already seen what’s inside.
They shared Akutami’s author comment for the week, and it’s a bombshell for many fans.
Specifically, Akutami greeted fans with a happy new year, and he continued by saying that he hopes to finally end the story within this year.
Of course, it’s best to take this statement with a grain of salt as this is not 100% confirmed yet.
Not to mention that many manga authors make ending comments like this that don’t turn out to be accurate.
Still, fans are worried about the series ending this year as many believe that it would take more than a year to end the series satisfyingly.
Many are fearing that the JJK manga will be rushed if Akutami insists on ending it soon.
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