Jon Favreau On Peter and Happy’s Relationship In Spider-Man: Far From Home

Jon Favreau's made many contributions to Marvel. Not only did the director spark the Marvel Cinematic Universe by directing Iron Man in 2008, but he's also played pivotal roles onscreen, becoming one of the most important supporting characters to Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark.

Favreau continues to play the role of Happy Hogan in Spider-Man: Far From Home, becoming a fixture in Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) life even after Tony's heartbreaking sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame.

Speaking in an interview with Variety to help promote the new movie, Favreau decided to open up about the evolving relationship between Happy and Peter in Far From Home. There's a major shift in dynamic between the two now that Tony is gone with the two sharing the weight of the loss together.

"In the beginning, I was kind of annoyed by him and I was a babysitter assigned to look after him in the background of what was happening in Civil War, but now after Infinity War and Endgame all the characters have been through a lot emotionally," explained Favreau. "I like what this relationship has evolved to, and, of course, working with an actor like Tom Holland with scenes that are both funny and emotional is great because I don't get to act like this that often."

This change of tone between the two doesn't seem unnatural either. It took some time before Happy and Peter managed to arrive at this kind of familiarity, and it looks like the shared loss helped bring them even closer together.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is currently screening in cinemas.

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