John Williams Rumored to Compose Music for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

John Williams has been composing music for Star Wars since the very first film so it was more than understandable when the man mentioned possibly retiring after Episode IX. Replacing the legendary composer won't be an easy task for Disney or Lucasfilm, and there's no doubt that the final installment will have a number of memorable tracks, along with the ones that appear in every movie.

However, if this report is anything to go by it looks like Williams isn't done with the franchise just yet. While he might not be working on any more Star Wars movies post-Episode IX, Williams is rumored to be working on new music for the upcoming Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge themed land coming to Disney parks.

According to MakingStarWars, Williams and Michael Giacchino will be composing music for the attraction, along with the various rides. Since Giacchino is involved as well it's not yet known how involved Williams will be. They could always opt to use the old music he already made for the previous movies but that's just speculation.

Calling Williams' music iconic is a bit of an understatement since the Star Wars films have had numerous tracks that fans remember to this day. Even casual Star Wars followers know the tune that follows the opening credits scroll or Darth Vader's memorable theme song. If he can provide any new tracks for Galaxy's Edge, fans will be sure to visit the theme park and leave with catchy tunes left in their ears.

Star Wars: Episode IX is scheduled for a December 20, 2019 release. Galaxy's Edge is also scheduled for a 2019 opening.

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