It seems that the fallout has begun for the popular Jujutsu Kaisen voice actor. Recently, an upcoming anime announced that voice actor Takahiro Sakurai will be replaced following his cheating scandal.
After Sakurai’s agency confirmed the details of his reported affair, fans have been wondering how it will affect his roles moving forward.
Now, it seems that Sakurai’s career won’t come out unscathed following his scandal.
Takahiro Sakurai’s Cheating Scandal
Takahiro Sakurai is a popular Japanese voice actor who is best known for voicing Suguru Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen, Giyu Tomioka in Demon Slayer, and Arataka Reigen in Mob Psycho 100.
However, he made headlines a few months ago when details about an affair with a radio show writer were reported by Weekly Bunshun.
In the report, it was revealed that Sakurai engaged in an affair with a writer on his radio show, P.S. Genki Desu. Takahiro. It turns out that the woman he had an affair with did not know that he was married.
This came as a shock to fans and the show’s staff, as Sakurai has been married for years now without anyone knowing.
Following the report, Sakurai’s agency, Intention, confirmed that Sakurai was indeed married and that he had an affair. Though the agency stated that the affair was already over.
However, that wasn’t the end of the story as there have been several reports that Sakurai was also involved with another woman.
For now, the agency has only acknowledged the Weekly Bunshun report.
READ MORE: Demon Slayer Voice Actor Takahiro Sakurai Embroiled in a Cheating Scandal
Takahiro Sakurai Replaced in Upcoming Anime
In the aftermath of the affair going public, Sakurai’s radio show was removed.
Though there have been no other developments with his other roles, until today’s announcement.
The upcoming anime series, AYAKA, announced via its website and Twitter account that Sakurai, who is set to voice Haruaki Kurama, will be replaced.
According to the statement, Sakurai will be replaced “due to various circumstances.”
While it wasn’t explicitly mentioned, it’s likely that Sakurai’s scandal may be a reason for his being replaced. Given this, it won’t be a surprise to see him get replaced in other roles.
Currently, his biggest roles are in Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer.
There has been no word yet on whether Sakurai will be replaced in his roles as Geto and Giyu, even if the next season of the two shows will begin soon.
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READ NEXT: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Official Synopsis, Arcs Revealed
Sources: AYAKA website, Twitter account