Before rising to fame as the macabre Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family, Jenna Ortega was previously known for her prominent role-playing Harley Diaz in Disney’s Stuck in the Middle. One particular line of Jenna’s Harley resurfaced on the internet, deeming it as the actor’s unknowing ‘manifestation’ for playing her Netflix role today.
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Despite some similarities in being teenage characters, Harley Diaz is quite the opposite of Wednesday Addams. Harley is a 13-year-old who barely gets noticed by her own family, hence, her series title, Stuck in the Middle, whereas in Wednesday, Ortega’s character longs to escape her family’s line of sight to mark her own path. You can check out the line from the video below, from Disney Channel’s compilation of Jenna Ortega’s best moments in Stuck in the Middle:
If you fast forward to 2:49 of the clip, you can see Ortega’s character saying the following line, “This is what happens when there’s seven kids and you’re stuck in the middle. If my family was a week, I would be Wednesday.”
Of course, this is a bit of a stretch, considering that the series ended back in 2018, but fans couldn’t help but freak out at the odds of Jenna Ortega ‘predicting’ her current role. Some of the fans also took to twitter on how early on they predicted the success of the actor’s range when it comes to shifting roles, by not only mentioning Stuck in the Middle, but with Ortega’s roles in Netflix's You and Scream, as well. Check out some of the fan tweets below:
This isn’t actually the first time fans have gushed over Jenna Ortega being the perfect Wednesday Addams. Previously, the actress had casually mentioned how she used to perform autopsies on dead lizards when she was younger.
You can catch more of Jenna Ortega’s Wednesday Season 1 is currently available to stream on Netflix.
ALSO READ: One of Wednesday’s Darkest Lines Was Almost Cut by Netflix