Is Jean Doe the impostor in X-Men '97? Which Jean Grey is the original and which one is the clone? Episode 3 highlights exactly that ā how there are two same Jean Greys in existence. That and Morph's plan to tell the two apart.
CONTENT SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for X-Men '97, so proceed with caution.
Morph Names the Other Jean Grey "Jean Doe"
X-Men '97 episode 3 titled Fire Made Flesh, the X-Men are stuck with two Jean Greys staying under the same mansion.
While the Jean we've been following since episode 1 claims she's the original and the other Jean is the "impostor," Beast and Cyclops attempt to diffuse the situation.
Scott keeps comforting their baby and his wife, while Beast is figuring out why there are two identical Jean Greys.
Amid the chaos, Morph suggests, "Let's call this mystery gal in the bed, 'Jean Doe'" to avoid getting the two Jean Greys mixed up. This is similar to how unidentified patients are called 'John Doe' for men, with 'Jane Doe' for women.
Unfortunately, the naming doesn't help, as Beast breaks it to the group, "The Jean that lies on this couch would appear to be the 'actual' Jean Grey." So, what gives?
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Is Jean Doe the Impostor "Jean Grey" in X-Men '97?
As Beast hypothesized, the genes in Jean Doe lying on the couch are "older" but of the "proper age", as compared to the Jean Grey they currently know.
Thanks to this, Magneto surmises, "Ergo, our Jean is a clone."
As messed up as this sounds, Beast and Magneto appear correct in their observation, even though the Jean Grey they know claims she has full memories with the X-Men and Scott, unlike the fragmented ones in Jean Doe's mind.
But by the end of the episode, X-Men '97 confirms that the Jean Doe who recently escaped from Mr. Sinister's lab is the original Jean Grey, and the Jean Grey who gave birth to Scott's Nathan Summers was the clone.
Considering that Mr. Sinister inflicted a strange virus on their son, Nathan, this leads clone Jean to sacrifice their son by finding a cure somewhere in the future.
Because of this, the clone Jean Grey decides to leave the X-Men and start living her own life as she intended to.
This ends everything Scott has been building up with Jean and is now stuck with the actual Jean Grey recollecting and recalling her memories.
What remains to be seen is what happens between the real Jean Grey and Scott, and if we could ever see the clone Jean Grey in future episodes.
READ NEXT: X-Men '97 Episode 3 Addresses the Jean Grey Clone Cliffhanger
X-Men '97 episode 4 titled Motendo/Lifedeath Part 1 airs on Disney+ on April 3.
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