Jango Fett’s Biggest Bounties in Legends, Video Games, and Canon

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Credit: Star Wars | starwars.com

image of jango fett
Credit: Star Wars | starwars.com

Jango Fett is arguably the best bounty hunter in Star Wars lore, next to his son Boba Fett. A Mandalorian human male who became the template for the clone army of the Republic during 22 BBY, Jango Fett’s infamous combat skills, and cunning wits made him notorious as a mercenary in Star Wars.

Born on the planet Concorde Dawn, Jango Fett is also known for his iconic armor, flamethrower, dual pistols, jetpack, and calm demeanor. With Aspyr’s upcoming remaster of the classing game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, let’s take a look back on who made it into Jango Fett’s hitlist in all of Star Wars canon, Legends, and video games.

Jervis Gloom

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Jervis Gloom can be seen on the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and is likely to be on the remastered version as well. Born and raised in the streets of Coruscant, Jervis grew up to be a drug dealer selling death sticks to the patrons of Coruscant’s entertainment district, where he also worked for crime lords.

His criminal activities ultimately came to the table of the Coruscant Security Force when Jango Fett captured Jervis to obtain information related to the underground drug dealings in Coruscant and eventually, in the Galactic Senate.

Bendix Fust

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Another drug dealer who appears in the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Bendix Fust is similar to Jervis in terms of dealing drugs, but Bendix is busy doing his crimes in the Gazzari System. Captured by the Republic Security Force, Bendix eventually had to snitch against his boss, The Dug King Sebolto. Sebolto heard of this and set up a bounty on Bendix’s head.

Jango Fett picked up this bounty along with his fellow bounty hunter Zam Wessel. They broke Bendix out of the Desolation Alley maximum security prison and brought him back to the Dug King.

Meeko Ghintee

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Meeko Ghintee was one of the highest-priority criminals in Star Wars Legends who also appeared in the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. He was known for his rigged beast pit-fighting games and committed crimes such as murder, assault, and larceny.

Meeko was already spending his life sentence in the Desolation Alley prison facility when Jango Fett picked up a bounty on his head. After a series of escape attempts, Meeko was killed by Jango Fett, netting the bounty hunter 10,000 Republic credits.


Larbo appeared in the Star Wars Legends comic The Way Of The Warrior. He was a human male who lived as a virtual slave in Kuat City on the planet Kuat. Compared to the criminals before him in this list, Larbo’s story is a tragic one.

His son was killed after being forced to work in unsafe labor conditions which caused him to form and lead a resistance force in the city. Count Dooku ordered Jango Fett to exterminate Larbo’s group and the bounty hunter eventually killed him as well.

Longo Two-Guns

Known as the fastest blaster on Tatooine, Longo Two-Guns was a male Clantaani who led a criminal gang on Tatooine. He had several offenses against Jabba The Hutt, resulting in The Hutt setting up a bounty against him.

Jango Fett tracked Longo, who was rumored to be working with another Hutt named Gardulla The Elder to reclaim towns owned by Jabba The Hutt, and eventually brought him to Jabba to claim the 50,000 credit bounty.


Served as a Vigo for the crime syndicate The Black Sun, Antonin appeared in the comic Star Wars: Jango Fett. He set a bounty on his rival’s head, Dreddon The Hutt, who also placed a bounty against Antonin’s head.

Zam Wessel took Dreddon’s bounty and Jango Fett killed Antonin as his bounty. Since both of them died, the two bounty hunters never received their bounty rewards in the end.

Komari Vossa

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Appearing in Star Wars Legends and references in the Star Wars canon, Komari Vossa was Count Dooku’s padawan who turned into the Dark Side. She was a cult leader who had connections to the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy, such as The Hutts Cartel and the Dugs of Malastare.

Komari Vossa’s connection to them made the Sith wary of her and her cult. With this, the Sith decided to eliminate her. Darth Sidious ordered this task to Darth Tyranus, Count Dooku’s persona after joining the Dark Side. Instead of killing her himself, Darth Tyranus placed a bounty on Komari’s head. The bounty served two purposes - eliminating the threat to the Sith as well as obtaining the best clone template for the Republic’s clone army.

Jango Fett ultimately claimed the Komari Vossa’s bounty of 5 million credits. This was also the moment when Darth Tyranus struck a deal with Jango Fett to use him as a template for the clones. Jango Fett agreed on the condition that they would give him an unaltered clone as well, who would eventually become Boba Fett.

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