James Gunn is back and his latest project is set to terrify fans of comic book movies. The first trailer for Brightburn teases on what would happen if a superhero turns out to be a sinister villain.
The trailer opens with sweeping shots of a vast farm and a young boy asking his mother, "Who am I?" The mom has an expected response. "You are a gift," she tells him. "I know it's been difficult for you lately that you feel different from other kids. You are different."
Just how different is this boy? It is later revealed that he came into his parents' life in a comet that crashed to Earth. Although his mom and dad have done everything they can to take care of what might be an alien, it looks like things aren't going so well.
The boy might have a story similar to Clark Kent's but is decidedly more terrifying. The film somehow explores the possibilities in case Superman goes bad. Needless to say, this is one superhero movie to look forward to next year.
Brightburn is Gunn's first project after he was fired by Marvel and Disney from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. We're not exactly surprised that he decided to go for superhero horror. Nevertheless, it's great to see that the former Marvel Cinematic Universe director is back with an awesome new movie.
The film is produced by Gunn and directed by David Yaroyevsky. It stars Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Matt Jones, and newcomer Jackson A. Dunn as Brandon Breyer/Brightburn.
Brightburn is scheduled for release on May 24, 2019.
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