James Gunn's Idea for Marvel and DC Crossover Stars Harley Quinn and Groot

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

The writer and director, James Gunn, has an amazing opportunity to have worked with both Marvel and DC at a time when both of the franchises are at the height of their respective universes. Possibly, this made him have the idea for a crossover and while there is no guarantee that it would happen, he already has candidates for the stars he wants to headline the movie: Harley Quinn and Groot.

Gunn had an interview with Jakes Takes as part of promoting his latest project with Warner Bros. and DC, The Suicide Squad, and he revealed that he has an idea for a crossover between Marvel and DC with Harley Quinn and Groot as the stars.

He said, "I would really be happy to do a Harley Quinn and Groot movie, that would be exciting for me. Not only have I thought about that, but I've actually talked about that to the heads of both Marvel and DC. They know everybody's open to everything, but whether anything would ever happen, who knows?"

Aside from Harley Quinn and Groot, his idea also includes Rocket Racoon, King Shark, and Weasel. Gunn also clarified that he mentioned the idea of the crossover to Kevin Feige, Marvel's big boss, but for DC, he was not yet able to raise the concern.

While it would be fun to have such, Gunn also pointed out that they would need a "Berlin Wall of Lawyers" for it. He shared, "But the idea of being able to bring Marvel and DC together in a movie, that would be really fun for me. And, I know it's exciting for even the heads of Marvel and DC to think about, Kevin Feige over at Marvel and Tobey Emmerich over at Warner Bros... It's something we all like to dream about, whether we can ever get through the barrage, the Berlin Wall of lawyers we would need to get through to ever make something like that happen, I don't know. But, it would be a blast."

If and when this idea would be given a green light, it would not be the first time Marvel and DC would have a crossover. It already happened four times before with the Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man in 1976, Marvel Treasuring Edition #28 in 1980, DC vs. Marvel in 1996, and JLA/Avengers in 2003.

How cool would that be to see Harley and Groot in one film right?

For now, we have The Suicide Squad premiering on August 6, 2021, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on May 23, 2023.

Related: The Suicide Squad: James Gunn Reveals One of the Rats Used was Named After Chris Pratt